A network of instructors with a law enforcement background who operate their own businesses.
"The Very Best In Concealed Carry Training!"
Founded by Jason Curtman
My name is Sherman C. Graves Sr. I retired from law enforcement as a Sergeant after 21 years and took a position with world-wide corporation where I currently serve as a Corporate Security Advisor, a member of their Emergency Response Team and their department armorer. During my law enforcement career I obtained an extensive background in firearm's training. I served as a range master, firearms instructor, armorer, less than lethal instructor, rifle instructor, defensive tactics instructor and on a SWAT team for 5 years.
I'm certified to instruct this 8-hour Missouri Firearms Safety Course that’s mandated by law in order to apply for a Missouri Concealed Carry Permit for those who reside in Missouri. To learn more about the requirements you must meet in order to apply for a Missouri CCW please log onto:
During my law enforcement career I attended the following firearms related training courses:
Police Firearm's Training Course - National Rifle Association
Jefferson County Law Enforcement Training Academy
Greater St. Louis Police Academy
Police Firearms Training Course – St. Louis County Police Academy
Firearms Instructors Training – Springfield Missouri Police Academy
FBI Special Weapons and Tactics Training School
Criminal Investigation Course
Homicide Investigation Course
PPCT Defensive Tactics Instructor Course
Major Case Squad Investigator Training School
Firearms Qualification Training Program Assistant Instructor
Beretta Armorer Training Course
Remington Shotgun Armorer Training Course
AR-15 Rifle Armorer's Course
Officer Survival Response to High Risk Incidents
The Bulletproof mind: Psychological Preparation for Combat, Killing & Death seminar
The 40 hour International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors Firearm's Training Conference in Phoenix Arizona.
North East Multi-Regional Training Inc. - Rifle / Carbine Instructor Course
These courses do not encompass:
(a) The years of in-service firearms training I received.
(b) The years of monthly law/legal training I received that prepared me to teach the use of deadly force.
(c) The number of years I served as a police firearms instructor / range master.
(d) The number of police officers I instructed/trained through the years in not only the use of firearm’s but the legal justification to use deadly force.
My course includes:
(1) Handgun safety in the classroom, at home, on the firing range and while carrying the firearm.
(2) A physical demonstration performed by the applicant that demonstrated his or her ability to safely load and unload a revolver and a semiautomatic pistol and demonstrated his or her marksmanship with both.
(3) The basic principles of marksmanship; sight, grip and trigger squeeze.
(4) Care and cleaning of concealable firearms.
(5) Safe storage of firearms at home.
(6) The requirements of this state for obtaining a certificate of qualification for a concealed carry endorsement from the sheriff of the individual's county of residence and a concealed carry
endorsement issued by the department of revenue.
(7) The laws relating to firearms.
(8) An in depth discussion of the laws relating to the justifiable use of force as prescribed in chapter 563, RSMO and applying reality based scenarios.
(9) Where can you legally carry and where you cannot, along with which states Missouri has reciprocity with concerning concealed carry endorsements.
(10) Use of Force Law presentation that includes in depth discussion on the ‘Castle Doctrine’ and its applications by use of reality based scenarios.
(11) Myths of gun ownership.
(12) What to do if stopped by Law Enforcement while armed.
(13) An in depth discussion on common causes of weapon malfunctions followed by a hands on approach during live fire training on how to clear malfunctions (weapon stoppages).
(14) An in depth discussion on what to consider prior to buying a handgun for concealed carry.
(15) An in depth discussion concerning tactics you can utilize for home and personal defense.
(16) An in depth discussion on carry methods and clothing types.
(17) An in depth discussion on what do after the shooting occurs.
(18) A live firing exercise of sufficient duration for each applicant to fire a handgun, from a standing position or its equivalent, a minimum of 40 rounds at a distance of seven yards from a B-27 silhouette target or an equivalent target. The first 20 rounds will be considered practice.
I teach this course at a private facility in Hillsboro Missouri and occasionally at other private locations throughout Eastern Missouri. The Hillsboro location has an indoor classroom with all the amenities. Classes held at the Hillsboro location start at 9:00am and conclude at 5:00pm. I supply morning coffee, bottled water, soda, juice and a full hot lunch at the Hillsboro location as part of this course. The Hillsboro location is geared for those who have no experience with firearms and utilizes and outdoor range that’s under cover during inclement weather. Classes held at other locations will have varied start times and amenities as provided by the host.
I have several .22 caliber semi automatic and double action firearms available for you to use if you do not have either required handgun or do not own a handgun. As part of my course and if you utilize my firearms I supply all ammunition required to complete this course.
For this course you will need to bring appropriate eye and ear protection. If you intend to use my firearms and ammunition but own a handgun please bring it to the class so we can have it for classroom presentation only. If you wish to fire your own handgun you will need to bring 40 rounds of ammunition and please dress for the weather.
The cost of this 8-hour course and the lunch is $100. I take cash, check or money orders. To honor those who serve our nation I discount my course price to $65 for any active member of the Military with a valid Military ID card.
I’m a certified member of the Missouri Association of Law Enforcement CCW Instructors. (, and along with my law enforcement firearms training background and experience I am classified as a “Legal Consultant Member”. In this, I have agreed, as other MALECCWI Legal Consultant Members to be a legal consultant (from the training aspect) at no charge to you should you find yourself in a legal situation as a result of this instruction. Just think, if the worst were to happen, you would not only have the benefit of your instructor’s training and experience but that of the other members who have agreed to act as a Legal Consultant Member. If you are ever involved in a legal proceeding because of an armed encounter you engaged in as a result of this type of instruction your instructor will either be involved in that legal proceeding or likely to be summoned by your attorney to testify on your behalf. Do you want the person on the stand testifying on your behalf to be the fellow down the street who went to a basic NRA firearms instructor’s course? Or would you be better off if that firearms instructor had years of law enforcement experience and instructed police officers in how to use their firearms and when they are legally justified in utilizing deadly force?
Before you choose an instructor for this type of training or any firearms training inquire as to their background and experience. I've instructed police officers in all aspects of firearms training and the use of force. I have years of experience in the legal justification of the use of force in the real world, not just a classroom. The handling of loaded firearms is inherently dangerous and any good firearms instructor will be familiar with ‘Murphy’s Law’, so ask if (s)he carries liability insurance. I carry Firearms Instructor liability insurance on every person I train through the NRA and hopefully the instructor you choose does as well.
If you don’t feel comfortable taking this course with me please look for another qualified/certified instructor. Not only is carrying a firearm for personal protection a fundamental right it’s also a personal responsibility. In the 21 years I was a police officer I can count on one hand the number of times I arrived for a crime in progress and was able to stop an innocent from being harmed. This is a poor statistic considering the countless number of crimes I have responded too.
If you have any questions please call or write me an email.
Be vigilant, be prepared and stay safe,
Sherman C. Graves Sr.
Cell Phone: 314-973-5957